caught up with

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caught up with

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:00:35

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  • 单语例句
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1. Taylor Swift is " caught up " in love with Harry Styles.

2. To his chagrin, the police caught up with him half an hour after he left the toilet.

3. But the exertions of playing three qualifying matches and then going straight into a Grand Slam finally seemed to have caught up with him.

4. British designer Katharine Hamnett is relishing a comeback now that the fashion world has finally caught up with her campaigning notions about clothes.

5. It's true that in the market economy, everyone is caught up with pursuing selfish interests.

6. Billboard caught up with her on the phone from London to discuss her exhilarating last 12 months.

7. Ota is the fourth farm minister to step down in two years, with his predecessors all caught up in expenses scandals.

8. I am all of a sudden aware that one of the young men has caught up with us again.

9. Seeing the woman go off in the wrong direction, the girl caught up with her and showed her the right way.

10. Shanghai Star Weekend reporter Cristina McComic caught up with the food guru to find out more about his business.

1. Fauchery, who had caught up his opera glass, looked at the countess, a plump brunette with a white skin and fine dark eyes.

2. Yet, the study of evolution too was caught up with the same fixation on specifics.

3. caught up with的解释

3. Then Ms Lo's posthumous adulation by the Singapore press was at its most feverish, and many people in Singapore were caught up with the untimely death of this young and attractive lawyer.

4. EWorld caught up with Heidt to find out more about EDS'plans for India and the country's significance in the company's global delivery strategy.


5. On those two people was about to down the stairs, he caught up with them.

6. I made a U-turn in the middle of the highway and caught up with him in a gravel parking lot.


7. Recently MMA Weekly caught up with Le as he finalized preparations for his match to discuss the fight and his future inside and outside the combat arena. MMA Weekly: It`s almost here, you`re just a few days away from making your MMA debut, how are you feeling Cung?
最近的MMA每周赶上了乐作为他最后的准备比赛,讨论争取和他的未来的境内和境外作战arena.mma周刊:它的几乎在这里,您仅仅几天远离让您的甲基丙烯酸甲酯首次,您是如何感觉cung ?

8. With her help, I caught up with my classmates in English.

9. But with age catching up, I do not want to be caught on the wrong foot.

10. caught up with的翻译

10. We cut across the woods and caught up with the others.

11. Scream all you want about it, but the Wii IS outselling the PS3 and 360, and it still hasn`t caught up with demand.
尖叫声,所有你想约,但附加的,是超过了 PS3和360 ,它至今仍没有赶上了需求。

12. caught up with是什么意思

12. For it is a fire that, kindling its first embers in the narrow nook of a private bosom, caught from a wandering spark out of another private heart, glows and enlarges until it warms and beams upon multitudes of men and women, upon the universal heart of all, and so lights up the whole world and all nature with its generous flames.

13. caught up with什么意思

13. He had almost caught up with the Queen and his wife when the Queen heard the crying of his children. Looking back, she pulled off a gold clasp from her hair and drew a line behind her. A raging torrent immediately appeared in the sky. This is the so-called River of Heaven.

14. Whether caught up into the air, or resting in paradise, or sojourning here, we are with Jesus; and who shall separate us from Him?

15. In Ohio, Ted Strickland, a fairly conservative Democrat, has found that his feisty Republican challenger, John Kasich, has caught up with him in recent polls, which is probably thanks to worries about the economy.
在俄亥俄州,一个相当保守的民主党人Ted Strickland州长发现他好斗的共和党挑战者John Kasich已在最近的民调中快速赶上,这主要归因于民众对于经济形势的担心。

16. As waking up from a siesta I caught a cold with having a fever 39.5℃, in an agnoy of falling apart. It really gives me an impluse that stun myself so as to ease the pain.

17. Of course hopefully we will, not necessarily stop the game, but realize that we are playing the game and not get too sort of stuck with that game, and too caught up or too worked up or too occupied with this game.

18. This set of variations conjure up the inner struggle of a young man caught up in a tragedy of passion (picture Anthony Perkins as Hippolytus to Melina Mercouri`s Phaedra; the step-son having an affair with the step-mother that each is powerless to break off and which ultimately ends in tragedy).

19. Now the development of automobile industry in the world is gradually becoming matured, and East-Asia has caught up with the level of the world in this field, and the development automobile industry has its own objective and logical laws. All these are a great enlightement to the further development of China's automobile industry.

20. Most people who have previously heard of'eyetracker'will associate it with university based labs, but technology has caught up with the real world, and we can apply eyetracker to any brief; in store, digital billboards, roadside billboards, airport terminals, supermarket aisles and websites, concludes Janes.

  • 临近词
I caught up with Coburn, a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon.(我约见了科伯恩,他是一位医学博士,也是南部浸礼会执事。)
Even without being taught new words a control group caught up with the other infants within a few months.(即使不教新单词,对照组也在几个月内赶上了其他婴儿。)
A few days after the job fair, I caught up with Zhang Hui Li.(这场招聘会过去几天后,我找到了张慧丽。)
Partly that's because the GUI hasn't caught up with all of the command line options.(部分原因是由于GUI没有提供命令行的所有选项。)
He was caught up with by others.(他被别人赶上了。)
The law caught up with him yesterday.(他于昨日落入法网。)
We caught up with a variety of lawyers and legal academics on the deal.(我们就此协议联系了许多律师和法学家。)
Nick caught up with me and rode alongside.(尼克赶上了我,并排骑车前进。)
A woman's identity, if she is a mother, is inextricably caught up with her children.(一位妇女,如果是位母亲,那她的身份就和她的孩子们密不可分。)
It's a school requirement. They just haven't caught up with us yet.(——catchupwithsb赶上,被学校的要求赶上,就是被抓到的意思。)
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